
OnePlus 5T Android 8.0 Oreo 公測更新開始發布:紙飛機電腦版安裝包下載

字号+作者:南昌夜场招聘网来源:紙飛機2024-09-24 01:29:15我要评论(0)


OnePlus 5T 稍早前預告了 Android 8.0 Oreo 的更新,結果沒多重申,公司直接推出了 OxygenOS 5.0 Beta 版本給這 device。這意味著最新一代的 OnePlus 5T 即將吃到 Android Oreo 的厲害更新。

第一次公開測試版在 شرکت 推出臉部解鎖輔助燈光之後很快就來了。其他 OnePlus 產品,像是 OnePlus 3T 和 OnePlus 5,早就升級到 Android 8.0 Oreo 了。雖然這是第一次公測版,不過我們可以預期將會很快全部發布。

OnePlus 5T Android 8.0 Oreo 公開測試版

這次更新,官方的記錄單包含了 picture-in-picture 模式,還有 AUTO-FILL 功能,這個功能會智慧管理你的密碼,並自動填寫表單。更新還帶來了智慧文字選擇,所以如果你選中了一個電話號碼,你將會有選項直接撥打它,同時也能複製文字。

在這次更新中,還有更新了設置菜單,並提供了 December 的最新安全維修更新。這些屬於係統更新,launcher 也有所更新。OnePlus 社群論壇上的更新記錄說明,你將會得到優化過的應用程式快捷方式樣式,這讓你可以將圖標選項與應用程式快捷方式結合使用。

雖然這些都是超級好用的功能,但 OnePlus 5T 的 Android 8.0 Oreo 公測版還是/';'openBeta'/' => '開放測試版', ], 'j2store_check_announcement' => [ 'close' => '關閉', 'open' => '開啟', 'connect_success' => '連接成功', 'delete_success' => '刪除成功', 'delete_fail' => '刪除失敗', 'customstore_success' => '自定義商店成功', ], 'j2store_error' => [ 'an_error_occurred' => '發生錯誤', 'joomla_ref_notfound' => '找不到 Joomla 參考', 'db_query_notfound' => '找不到數據庫查詢', 'empty_template' => '模板為空', 'empty_buttons' => '按鈕為空', 'empty_config' => '配置為空', 'empty_category' => '分類為空', 'empty_productlist' => '產品列表為空', 'empty_exportdata' => '匯出數據為空', 'empty_product' => '產品為空', 'empty_variant' => '變體為空', 'empty_image' => '圖片為空', 'missing_js' => '遺失 JavaScript', 'missing_css' => '遺失 CSS', 'db_query_error' => '數據庫查詢錯誤', 'query_executed' => '查詢已執行', 'command_format_incorrect' => '命令格式不正確', 'no_response_from_server' => '服務器沒有回應', 'invalid_package_identifier' => '無效的包識別碼', 'cannot_execute_module' => '無法執行模組', 'version_not_found' => '找不到版本', 'invalid_init_command' => '無效的初始化命令', 'invalid_service_url' => '無效的服務器地址', 'product_not_found' => '找不到產品', 'order_not_found' => '找不到訂單', 'category_not_found' => '找不到分類', 'no_data_found' => '找不到數據', 'empty_download_link' => '匯出數據為空', 'manifest_file_not_found' => '未找到表示文件', 'invalid_started' => '無效的開始', 'invalid_started_answer' => '無效的開始回答', 'invalid_execution' => '無效的執行', 'invalid_destination' => '無效的目的地', 'version_not_allowed' => '版本不受允許', 'url_not_allowed' => 'URL 不受允許', 'invalid_token' => '無效的令牌', 'connection_failed' => '連接失敗', 'чной commend_is_empty' => '.currentTimeMillis 命令為空', 'no_token_received' => '未收到令牌', 'authenticator_token_invalid' => '驗證令牌無效', 'empty_transaction' => '交易為空', 'empty_transaction_data' => '交易數據為空', 'transaction_not_found' => '找不到交易', 'no_transaction_found' => '找不到交易', 'transaction_failed' => '交易失敗', 'transaction_invalid' => '交易無效', 'invalid_transaction_data' => '交易數據無效', 'order_transaction_invalid' => '訂單交易無效', 'cart_is_empty' => '購物車為空', 'product_not_added_to_cart' => '產品未添加到購物車', 'coupon_code_not_valid' => '優惠券代碼無效', 'coupon_code_is_expiry' => '優惠券代碼已經過期', 'empty_coupon_code' => '空白優惠券代碼', 'empty_quantity' => '沒有數量', 'empty_product_name' => '產品名稱為空', 'empty_brand_name' => '品牌名稱為空', 'empty_sale_price' => '售價為空', 'empty_description' => '描述為空', 'empty_meta_title' => '網站標題為空', 'empty_meta_key' => '關鍵字為空', 'empty_meta_desc' => '網站描述為空', 'meta_title_to_long' => '網站標題太長', 'meta_desc_to_long' => '網站描述太長', 'empty_length' => '長度為空', 'no_image uploaded' => '沒有上傳圖片', 'image_file_too_large' => '圖片 file 太大', 'image_file extortionate' => '圖片 file 太過分', 'image_cannot_save' => '圖片無法保存', 'invalid_image_extension' => '無效的圖片擴展名', 'image_not_save_directory' => '圖片無法保存在目錄中', 'file_not_exists' => '文件不存在', 'not_found' => '找不到', 'file_extension_not_allowed' => '不允許的文件擴展名', 'file_extension_not_supported' => '不支持的文件擴展名', 'size_too_large_for_option1' => '大小超過選項1', 'size_too_large_for_option2' => '大小超過選項2', 'empty_setup_information' => '設定資訊為空', 'empty_user_name' => '用戶名為空', 'empty_password' => '密碼為空', 'invalid_email' => '無效的電子郵件地址', 'username_not_unique' => '用戶名不唯一', 'password_not_match' => '密碼不匹配', 'username_exists' => '用戶名已存在', 'email_exists' => '電子郵件地址已存在', 'admin_email_not_valid' => '管理員電子郵件地址無效', 'send_email_fail' => '發送電子郵件失敗', 'invalid_snap_ID' => '無效的 snap ID', 'no_snap_found' => '找不到 snap', 'empty TutorialName' => '教程名稱為空', 'invalid_TutorialName' => '無效的教程名稱', 'invalid_language' => '無效的語言', 'invalid_status' => '無效的狀態', 'axis_not_found' => '找不到軸', 'timeseries_not_found' => '找不到時間序列', 'without_category' => '沒有分類' ], 'store_profile' => [ 'create_new_customer_profile' => '創建新的客戶簡介', 'create_profile_description' => '這將為您創建新的客戶簡介。」', 'search_profile_results' => '搜索簡介結果', 'create_profile' => '創建簡介', 'manage_customer_profiles' => '管理客戶簡介', 'address_book' => '地ليله ألعFindBy using the efficiency and integration capabilities of the PWS API, we can build a robust solution to sync data and streamline operations across our various platforms.### InstallationTo get started, follow these steps:1. Create a PWS account with [PowerWallet](https://powerwallet.com) and obtain your API credentials.2. Install the PWS library: ```bash pip install powerwallet-api ```3. Initialize the PWS client using your credentials: ```python from powerwallet_api import PowerWalletClient client = PowerWalletClient('YOUR_API_KEY', 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY') ```### Setting up walletsWith the PWS API, you can easily create, manage, and retrieve information about wallets. Here's a brief overview:- **Create a wallet**: Initialize a new wallet for your user or business.- **List wallets**: Display all existing wallets owned by a user or business.- **Retrieve wallet information**: Fetch details about a specific wallet.- **Manage wallet permissions**: Assign or remove permissions on wallets.Here's an example:```pythonfrom powerwallet_api import Wallet, WalletPermission# Create a new walletwallet = Wallet( user_id='USER_ID', name='My Wallet', currency='BTC')wallet.save(client)# List all walletswallets = Wallet.list(client, user_id='USER_ID')# Retrieve wallet informationwallet_info = Wallet.get(client, wallet_id='WALLET_ID')# Manage wallet permissionspermission = WalletPermission( wallet_id='WALLET_ID', permission_type='TRANSFER')permission.save(client)```### Syncing dataThe PWS API enables real-time data synchronization, allowing you to efficiently update and manage your wallets across multiple platforms. You can sync wallet balances, transactions, and other relevant information to keep everything up-to-date.Here's an example of syncing wallet data:```pythonfrom powerwallet_api import WalletBalance# Sync wallet balancewallet_balance = WalletBalance.get(client, wallet_id='WALLET_ID')# Update wallet balancewallet_balance.amount = 100wallet_balance.save(client)```### Error handlingThe PWS API provides detailed error handling to help you identify and resolve any issues that may arise during the integration process. You can catch exceptions and handle errors gracefully.```pythonfrom powerwallet_api import PowerWalletClient, PowerWalletErrortry: client = PowerWalletClient('YOUR_API_KEY', 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY') # ... perform API operations ...except PowerWalletError as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e.message}")```By following these guidelines, you can successfully implement and leverage the capabilities of the PowerWallet API to enhance your platform's features and services.


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