
10 奇招解決在 PC 版 Google Chrome 中圖片無法載入

字号+作者:南昌夜场招聘网来源:紙飛機2024-09-23 21:26:32我要评论(0)


如果你用Google Chrome上網,絕對遇過圖片無法載入的麻煩。這種問題可能由許多нится原因誘發。本文將為你提供幾個簡單有效的修復方法,讓你在PC上解決Chrome圖片不載入的問題。

同時,看看| 7 個隱藏祕密,讓你像專業人士一樣使用Google Chrome

同時,看看| 7 個隱藏祕密,讓你像專業人士一樣使用Google Chrome

PC上Google Chrome圖片不載入的修復方法


解決這個圖片問題的第一步,是確定它的存在。你需要確定在閱讀私密內容時,這個問題是否存在於瀏覽器中。許多用戶報告說,他們通過在隱私模式下瀏覽解決了這個問題。按照以下步驟在Google Chrome上啟動隱私瀏覽:

  • 在電腦上打開Google Chrome瀏覽器。
  • 點擊螢幕右上角的三點圖標
  • 三點圖標
  • 選擇新建隱私視窗
  • 新建隱私視窗
  • 或者,你可以直接按Ctrl+Shift+N快捷鍵立刻啟動隱私瀏覽。
  • Ctrl+Shift+N


    圖片載入問題可能僅限於Google Chrome。你可以嘗試一些好的替代網頁瀏覽器,如Firefox、Opera等,以驗證它們能否正確載入圖片。

  • 在PC上嘗試Firefox網頁瀏覽器。
  • 在PC上安裝和運用Opera網頁瀏覽器。
  • 如果你的目標網站在使用這些瀏覽器打開時圖片能正常載入,那麼這可能意味著Google Chrome存在"},錯誤。


    如果你在瀏覽網站時Google Chrome中的圖片不載入,這可能是由於瀏覽器缺少必要的授權。你需要確保設置了必要的授權,讓瀏覽器在訪問的網站上顯示圖片。按照以下步驟進行快速修復:

  • 在PC上打開Google Chrome。
  • Google Chrome
  • 點擊螢幕右上角的三點圖標
  • 三點圖標
  • 打開設置
  • 設置
  • 前往隱私和安全並打開網站設置
  • 隱私和安全網站設置
  • 向下滑動找到圖片
  • 圖片
  • 確保默認行為設置為‘網站可以顯示圖片‘。
  • 網站可以顯示圖片

    為所有網站啟用 Javascript

    一些網站利用Javascript來顯示它們的圖片和網頁內容。Google Chrome等網頁瀏覽器提供用戶控製此Javascript功能的選項。你需要確保為所有網站啟用javascript,以避免在圖片載入時出現問題。按照以下簡單步驟進行快速修復。

  • 打開Google Chrome並在螢幕右上角點擊三點圖標
  • 三點圖標
  • 選擇設置
  • 設置
  • 展開
  • click on the <strong>three-dot icon</strong> in the top right corner of the browser window.</li><strong> three-dot icon </strong><li>Choose <strong>Settings</strong> and open it.</li><strong>Settings </strong><img src="/image/2023/6/20/image_2023-6-20_10007.jpg"><li>Expand <strong>Privacy and Security</strong> and click on <strong>Site Settings</strong>.</li><strong>Privacy and Security </strong><strong>Site Settings </strong><img src="/image/2023/6/20/image_2023-6-20_10008.jpg"><li>Scroll down to locate <strong>Javascript</strong> and click on it.</li><strong>Javascript </strong><img src="/image/2023/6/20/image_2023-6-20_10009.jpg"><li>Ensure that the default behavior is set to ‘<strong>Sites can use Javascript</strong>‘.</li><strong>Sites can use Javascript </strong><img src="/image/2023/6/20/image_2023-6-20_10010.jpg"><h3 style="text-align:justify">在Google Chrome上 manually clear Cache Files清除快取檔案</h3><p style="text-align:justify"> Cache files are the temporary files used by applications to provide faster data access and a seamless experience to their users. These files are stored locally on the device and start consuming a good amount of space over time. A large accumulation of such files can cause problems in properly loading the images on the website. To fix this, you need to manually remove all the cache files associated with the browser.</p><li> Open Google Chrome on your PC and tap on the <strong> three-dot icon </strong> in the top right corner of the browser window.</li><strong> three-dot icon </strong><li> Choose <strong>Settings</strong> and click on it.</li><strong> Settings </strong><img src="/image/2023/6/20/image_2023-6-20_10011.jpg"><li> Expand <strong>Privacy and Security</strong> and click on <strong>clear browsing data</strong>.</li><strong>Privacy and Security </strong><strong> clear browsing data </strong><img src="/image/2023/6/20/image_2023-6-20_10012.jpg"><li> Check <strong>Cookies</strong> and <strong>Cached images and files</strong>.</li><strong>Cookies </strong><strong>Cached images and files </strong><li> Click on the <strong>Clear Data button</strong> to manually remove all the cache files.</li><strong>Clear Data button </strong><img src="/image/2023/6/20/image_2023-6-20_10013.jpg"><h3 style="text-align:justify"> Disable all Extensions and Reload the Page禁用所有擴展功能和重新加載頁麵</h3><p style="text-align:justify"> Google Chrome supports the use of extensions which are customized software programs to give users a personalized experience. Sometimes, these third-party extensions interfere with the proper reloading of the page, causing issues with the images. To fix this, you need to manually disable all installed extensions and reload the page to see if the image issue has been resolved.</p><li> Click on the <strong> three-dot icon </strong> in the top right corner of the browser window.</li><strong> three-dot icon </strong><li> Place your cursor on <strong>More tools</strong> and click on <strong>Extensions</strong>.</li><strong>More tools </strong><strong> Extensions </strong><img src="/image/2023/6/20/image_2023-6-20_10014.jpg"><li> The extension window will open up displaying all your installed third-party extensions in the web browser.</li><li> <strong>Manually toggle off</strong> each extension and then <strong>reload the page</strong> to check if the image issue has been fixed.</li><strong>Manually toggle off </strong><strong>reload the page </strong><img src="/image/2023/6/20/image_2023-6-20_10015.jpg"><h3 style="text-align:justify">Turn Off Hardware Acceleration關閉硬體加速功能</h3><p style="text-align:justify"> Google Chrome by default provides the feature of hardware acceleration to improve performance and responsiveness. However, some users have reported that this feature created issues for them while loading images on some websites. You can manually turn off this feature and reload the webpage to ensure proper image loading on websites.</p><li> Open Google Chrome Settings by tapping on the <strong>three-dot icon</strong> in the top right corner of the browser window.</li><strong>three-dot icon </strong><img src="/image/2023/6/20/image_2023-6-20_10016.jpg"><li> Expand <strong>Advanced features</strong> and click on <strong>System</strong>.</li><strong>Advanced features </strong><strong>System </strong><li> <strong>Toggle off</strong> ‘use hardware acceleration when available.’<%/li><strong>Toggle off </strong><img src="/image/2023/6/20/image_2023-6-20_10017.jpg"><h3 style="text-align:justify">Check Google Chrome for Updates檢查Google Chrome的更新</h3><p style="text-align:justify"> If the images on the website are not being displayed properly, it might indicate the presence of a bug or a glitch interfering with the browser. Google releases timely updates for Chrome to fix existing and reported issues/bugs present in the browser. You can manually check the browser for updates to fix this image issue.</p><li> Click on the <strong>three-dot icon</strong> in the top right corner of the browser window.</li><strong>three-dot icon </strong><li> Place your cursor on <strong>Help</strong> and click on <strong>About Google Chrome</strong>.</li><strong>Help </strong><strong>About Google Chrome </strong><img src="/image/2023/6/20/image_2023-6-20_10018.jpg"><li> Google Chrome will instantly start checking for <strong>updates</strong> and will notify you of any new updates that are ready to be downloaded and installed.</li><strong> updates </strong><img src="/image/2023/6/20/image_2023-6-20_10019.jpg"><h3 style="text-align:justify">Rename Chrome’s Default Folder重命名Chrome的默認文件夾</h3><p style="text-align:justify"> Google Chrome saves certain browser-related data on the PC to provide fast response times to its users. Sometimes, these files get corrupted which results in producing image display issues when opening websites. To resolve this issue, you need to manually rename the default folder present inside the browser files to anything so that Chrome creates a fresh default folder for the new sessions.</p><li> Open the <strong>Run window</strong> by pressing the Windows+R key simultaneously.</li><strong> Run window </strong><li> Type ‘ <strong>%localappdata%</strong> ‘ and press the enter key.</li><strong>%localappdata%</strong><img src="/image/2023/6/20/image_2023-6-20_10020.jpg"><li> Scroll down to locate the <strong>Google Folder</strong> and open it.</li><strong> Google Folder </strong><li> Navigate to <strong>Chrome/Userdata</strong> and locate the <strong>Default</strong> folder.</li><strong> Chrome/Userdata </strong><strong>Default </strong><li> Rename the <strong>Default folder</strong> to anything.</li><strong> Default folder </strong><img src="/image/2023/6/20/image_2023-6-20_10021.jpg"><li> <strong>Relaunch</strong> Google Chrome.</li><strong>Relaunch </strong><h3 style="text-align:justify">Switch your DNS Servers to Google Public DNS將DNS服務器切換到Google公共DNS服務器</h3><p style="text-align:justify"> If you are facing issues in properly loading images in Google Chrome while accessing websites, it might be due to your DNS server settings. You can try switching your DNS server to Google Public DNS to improve access speeds and browser security. Follow these steps for an easy fix.</p><li> Press the Windows key, search for <strong>Control Panel</strong> and open it.</li><strong> Control Panel </strong><img src="/image/2023/6/20/image_2023-6-20_10022.jpg"><li> Click on <strong>Network and Internet</strong>.</li><strong> Network and Internet </strong><img src="/image/2023/6/20/image_2023-6-20_10023.jpg"><li> Open <strong>Network Sharing Center</strong> and locate your Internet connection.</li><strong> Network Sharing Center </strong><li> Access your internet connection’s properties by clicking on your respective connection name.</li><li> Click on the <strong>Properties</strong> button.</li><strong>Properties </strong><li> Locate <strong>Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)</strong> and double-click on it.</li><
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